How you can help


One of our greatest needs is reliable foster homes. Consider offering your love and home to foster a Westie
in need.


Donate Supplies
We always welcome and appreciate crates, blankets, leashes, collars, toys and healthy treats.


Donate Money
Without your generosity we
could not have saved hundreds of Westies. We rely on your charitable contributions to continue this important work.


We are always looking for volunteers to foster and transport dogs and to organize fundraisers.


Shop Online
Amazon donates .5% of the price
of  AmazonSmile purchases, when you choose Westie Rescue of New England as your charity of choice.


Get The Word Out

Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram.


Thank you so much for your support and generosity!


Your continued support
allows us to find loving
homes for abandoned & surrendered Westies.





If you are interested in donating

much needed supplies: crates,

blankets, leashes, collars, toys and
healthy treats, please contact us.

Thank you for your donations!


We are always looking for volunteers to transport, organize fundraisers, and donate their time and talents. If interested in volunteering, please complete the form below.



You Shop, Amazon Gives.








Support us by shopping at, it's the same Amazon you know.
Same products, same prices, same service. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible
AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.


Simply fill in Westie Rescue of New England in the search window
under "pick your own charitable organization."


This is an easy and fun way to support our pups.



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All background images on this page were graciously donated by Ismo Aaltonen/Finland.


Rescue. Adopt. Love


Westie Rescue of New England, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation formed to address the rescue needs of shelter,
owner surrender and puppy mill dogs. In 2010, Westie Rescue of New England received its 501(c)3 tax exempt status.


Westie in crisis? Call our emergency line 617.901.9905